Fred the Head
We are curentlly recordning The Big Four stringed instrument!

....and it sounds gooood!

....and it sounds gooood!
my guitar is burning....
Today we finnished recording the basic on the second guitar.
But it all started crazy...
On friday we went to see the Jesus Lizard show, that was probably the best show i'll see in stockholm this year. Also at the show was andreas from alarma man, and after the show he forced me to a place called Kellys, if you live in stockholm you don't go there on a weekend. People wear leather pants and sing along to Bon Jovi.
Anyway, andreas is from gothenburg so you can't blame the guy, the beer is half price all night long. We got home quite late and i almost missed the morning bus to eskilstuna trying to wake andreas up, i had to leave him on my coutch and later that morning i got a call from victor (who was going to drive back to gothenburg with andreas) and he was asking where andreas was, i don't know if they are in gothenburg now or if andreas is still asleep on my coutch.
I got about 4 hours of sleep that night and the busride was a pain in the ass.
But when i got to eskilstuna me and marcus was productive as hell.
We got all the stuff from our rehearsal place, tried some different guitars, set the sound and recorded 4 songs before the sun was down and that must be some kind of personal record.
Today we got started a bit late since i had to make up for lack of sleep from friday night, just as yesterday we worked really hard and go the last 5 songs on tape.
Even if we only recorded the basics to all songs i think we'll finnish my session quite fast.
Tomorrow we'll continue with all the fun stuff, like big muffs and such.
It all sounds great and marcus is doing the best job ever.
Good night and check back later for more reports!
Here's a photo from fridays show (he crowedsurfed all the way from the stage to the mixing desk)

Today we finnished recording the basic on the second guitar.
But it all started crazy...
On friday we went to see the Jesus Lizard show, that was probably the best show i'll see in stockholm this year. Also at the show was andreas from alarma man, and after the show he forced me to a place called Kellys, if you live in stockholm you don't go there on a weekend. People wear leather pants and sing along to Bon Jovi.
Anyway, andreas is from gothenburg so you can't blame the guy, the beer is half price all night long. We got home quite late and i almost missed the morning bus to eskilstuna trying to wake andreas up, i had to leave him on my coutch and later that morning i got a call from victor (who was going to drive back to gothenburg with andreas) and he was asking where andreas was, i don't know if they are in gothenburg now or if andreas is still asleep on my coutch.
I got about 4 hours of sleep that night and the busride was a pain in the ass.
But when i got to eskilstuna me and marcus was productive as hell.
We got all the stuff from our rehearsal place, tried some different guitars, set the sound and recorded 4 songs before the sun was down and that must be some kind of personal record.
Today we got started a bit late since i had to make up for lack of sleep from friday night, just as yesterday we worked really hard and go the last 5 songs on tape.
Even if we only recorded the basics to all songs i think we'll finnish my session quite fast.
Tomorrow we'll continue with all the fun stuff, like big muffs and such.
It all sounds great and marcus is doing the best job ever.
Good night and check back later for more reports!
Here's a photo from fridays show (he crowedsurfed all the way from the stage to the mixing desk)

.....almost done.

next player:Georgios!!

stay cool

next player:Georgios!!

stay cool
Day 3, and 4 songs down.
We manage to get us a really sweet guitarsound using my Orange and a mashall jcm 800 cab.
Back to work!!!

We manage to get us a really sweet guitarsound using my Orange and a mashall jcm 800 cab.
Back to work!!!

Today we will start to record some guitar.
It will be fun, but I don't feel very well today.
Maby it's the Swineflu that has reached my body.
Then all my guitars will have a touch of disease.
You´'ll get sick listening to them;-P.
See you in Hell!

It will be fun, but I don't feel very well today.
Maby it's the Swineflu that has reached my body.
Then all my guitars will have a touch of disease.
You´'ll get sick listening to them;-P.
See you in Hell!

Summerholidays vs punkroutine

I guess you could say that we are on kind of a break from the recording process since we all have different stuff on our agendas att the moment. Not much has happened since I payed my dues behind the drums but soon the big toms won´t be alone anymore.
I actually don´t have much to say right now more than that we are alive and well and while doing that I took the oppurtunity of posting one of my holiday pictures.
That´s all for now, talk to you soon!
Takin' it back - english style.

”How to write a blog and generally suck while writing a blog”. Or just ”How to not write a blog”. The possible headlines for an essay or article on this subject are numerous. It was indeed my idea that each one of us should write in the blog while we where putting our efforts and musical skills into the new grandious punk-rock-post-hardcore-indie/gubb-rock-thing that eventually will become our new album. Last week it was time for me to put the drums on tape (actually computer) and while doing that keep you updated through this channel of information we call the Traktor blog. I had two things written in my calendar and I fatally failed at one of the two points. I did play the drums all week, I did not blog. 50% success. 50 % failure. So, what did he actually do last week? You might wonder. The answer is that I played the drums. Sometimes with great result and sometimes it didn´t go my way at all. We also drank loads of cans of the Red bull replica Red bat, ate some really good food, had a couple of ice-creams and a great bunch of laughs. After a great deal of sweating and cursing we got the drums down and now it´s time for the rest of the guys to put their magic on tape (once again: computer). Next up is Mr David Deravian.
So, what will the new Traktor plastic/download sound like?
That´s a good question. Once upon a time our label mates Soviac described an upcoming release with the words ”Mature songs” and i guess those words would fit our new record too. Most of the songs are a bit slower and longer and with more guitar harmonies in all directions. In the end I think it will sound very Traktor, don´t worry.
Right now I´m relaxing in my grandfathers summer house and have to go to the nearest town to get get an internet connection. Otherwise I could have been jabbering with you much more.
I wrote this in english to make it up to you non-swedes that might have slipped in here.
aldrig fucka upp....

Hade skrivit massa men såg inte att david hade skrivit i princip samma sak, så jag tog bort och gjorde om.
Precis som david känner jag att jag måste repa hemma som fan, har redan börjat. När andra har pocketpods kör jag i garageband (sjukt dåliga gitarrljud faktiskt). Funderar på att köpa en lite stärkare jag kan ha hemma.
Alternativet skulle ju vara o dra hem 4x12:an. NÄ. jag tror jag nöjer mig med garagebands
skitdåliga gitarrljud.
Har lagt upp ett klipp från sista repet. Som ni förstår när ni sett detta kan vad som helst hända.
Kolla in det här
Nu ska jag kolla på the wrestler! God natt.
Då var sista repet innan inspelningen börjar avklarat.
Känns väl helt ok, förutom att jag anser att jag själv måste repa som fan innan det blir min tur:-).
Rickard börjar ställa trumljud, och ev. spela in lite, på söndag och sen kommer hela nästa vecka
ägnas åt trummorna.

Det kommer bli fin skit dethär!
Längtar tills ni får höra!
Ses snart/David
Känns väl helt ok, förutom att jag anser att jag själv måste repa som fan innan det blir min tur:-).
Rickard börjar ställa trumljud, och ev. spela in lite, på söndag och sen kommer hela nästa vecka
ägnas åt trummorna.

Det kommer bli fin skit dethär!
Längtar tills ni får höra!
Ses snart/David
Slaskbas på plats!
Då är det bara för Draken att komma igång med repandet nu då!

Litet klipp från studion:
3/4 av oss var och tittade på Neurosis igår.
Det var "sådär" tycker jag. Va bättre sist de va här.
See ya/David
Då är det bara för Draken att komma igång med repandet nu då!

Litet klipp från studion:
3/4 av oss var och tittade på Neurosis igår.
Det var "sådär" tycker jag. Va bättre sist de va här.
See ya/David
Nu kör vi!
Då har vi dragit igång inspelningen.
Dvs. vi har lagt slaskgitarrer så att Rickard har något att spela till, när han vecka 29 börjar lägga Drums!
Om några minuter är min pasta och mina vegobullar klara.
Då återstår bara att trycka i sig skiten och sen dra till studion igen för att övervaka slask bassisten:-)
Sjukt varmt är det idag. Ja gillar det!
Men nackdelen är att studio Skyline, där vi befinner oss, kommer vara varmare än en bastu.
Men vi peppar upp med lite kall "Red Bat"(red bull kopia).
Och med Mackan"Sjökexet" Sjöberg vid spakarna så känns allt fin fint!

Då har vi dragit igång inspelningen.
Dvs. vi har lagt slaskgitarrer så att Rickard har något att spela till, när han vecka 29 börjar lägga Drums!
Om några minuter är min pasta och mina vegobullar klara.
Då återstår bara att trycka i sig skiten och sen dra till studion igen för att övervaka slask bassisten:-)
Sjukt varmt är det idag. Ja gillar det!
Men nackdelen är att studio Skyline, där vi befinner oss, kommer vara varmare än en bastu.
Men vi peppar upp med lite kall "Red Bat"(red bull kopia).
Och med Mackan"Sjökexet" Sjöberg vid spakarna så känns allt fin fint!

Dethär med att blogga...är det kul?
Jag har försökt förr, men det har inte tagits seriöst(från min sida) och jag var värdelös på att skriva om något alls.
Blev fan bara en "vad jag har gjort idag"-blogg.
Inte så kul.
Men dethär är ju inte bara min blogg utan också mina vänner Fredrik, Rickard och Georgios blogg.
Tillsammans kallar vi oss TRAKTOR.
Många har frågat mig om vi har lagt av på sistånde och så är icke fallet.
Vi håller på att gör nya låtar till en skiva vi ska börja spela in i sommar.
Vi räknar väl inte med att spela ute alls i sommar, men vi får se:-).

men nu.....tillbaks till skrivarverkstaden.
Dethär med att blogga...är det kul?
Jag har försökt förr, men det har inte tagits seriöst(från min sida) och jag var värdelös på att skriva om något alls.
Blev fan bara en "vad jag har gjort idag"-blogg.
Inte så kul.
Men dethär är ju inte bara min blogg utan också mina vänner Fredrik, Rickard och Georgios blogg.
Tillsammans kallar vi oss TRAKTOR.
Många har frågat mig om vi har lagt av på sistånde och så är icke fallet.
Vi håller på att gör nya låtar till en skiva vi ska börja spela in i sommar.
Vi räknar väl inte med att spela ute alls i sommar, men vi får se:-).

men nu.....tillbaks till skrivarverkstaden.
the end
Since I havn't been able to use internet for the last 4 days, I haven't published any more blogs.
But I have still written everyday.
So here comes the last days of the tour.

Waking up in Luxembourg at 9 o'clock this morning wasn't that nice.
I had prefered to sleep for a couple more hours. But we had to get up before breakfast-time at the hotel was over.
We started the drive to Cologne at 12 and took it really slow.
We had some radio documantaries we had to listen to.

When we arrived we drove past a pizzeria and decided to stop there for a bite.
The name of the place was UFO PIZZERIA and they pizzas tasted like breakfast.

We played with the band Lavatch that we had played with once before. They did one hell of a show.
When we had played we just hanged around and played some cards and just chilled.
B, as in Berliner
The big B!!! The venue Lokal was great and a lot of people showed up.
There were 3 bands playing before us and "Call me Betty" was one of them.
I bought one of their t-shirts because it had a nice black-metal touch in the layout. SWEET!!!!
Georgios broke all his strings on both his guitars again and finished of the show with my Jazzmaster.
Rickard broke his drumchair during the show. Don't ask me how he did it.
Me and Rickard has started a little tradition lately. To have a little Whiskey after the show, relax and just talk. It is relly Sweet!!!
I would like to thank all the people who came yesterday to Lokal and payed the entrance fee. Without you we wouldn't be able to buy gas to go home:-)
As a surprise the Hadel and Chris from Bionic Ghost Kids, showed up! It was very nice to them, but sadly we couldn't party with them because we had to leave early next morning. We'll make it up to you next time!!
And we also meet Maik from Apocaplexy Records. He has released our 12" Sequence the Sequence". Really nice man. We played some SNES games at the sleeping place. I guess I sucked. :-)
Hope to see you on the next tour.

A big thanks to Tom who made all arrangements when Robert failed to do it.
So! back in the bus again. On our way to Copenhagen.
Today we have a mission! We are gonna find a new " I Love Köpenhamn" t-shirt for Lillis!!!
Over and out!!!
And stay Cool!
/David and the gang
Danmark är Gött!

Ok. Last show for this tour.
As you might have noticed I have been out of internet for some days now.
We played at Lades, Copenhagen yesterday.
It was really nice to play there, but it feelt as we were to tired to give all we got.
So next time Denmark, we will bring you 110% of raw TRAKTOR power. We owe you that much.
Thanks Andereas for everything, and a specially the great food at restaurant RizRaz.
Rickards brother Boo and his girlfriend Theresa showed up. They also broght a cool man named Andreas.
It was great to meet them again. I haven't meet them for like 6 months.

-Ja och Ankan kommer ner till Malmö och äter falafel snart.

We are really sad to announce that we didn't find a t-shirt for Lillis.
He is now really sad and cries like a baby. But I'm gonna give him some candy soon ,so don't worry people.

On Our way home right now!
The Tour has been great! It wouldn't have been that without all the great people we meet.
New friends and old.
See you next year I hope!
Stay cool /David, Georgios, Rickard and Fredrik(Lillis)

Since I havn't been able to use internet for the last 4 days, I haven't published any more blogs.
But I have still written everyday.
So here comes the last days of the tour.

Waking up in Luxembourg at 9 o'clock this morning wasn't that nice.
I had prefered to sleep for a couple more hours. But we had to get up before breakfast-time at the hotel was over.
We started the drive to Cologne at 12 and took it really slow.
We had some radio documantaries we had to listen to.

When we arrived we drove past a pizzeria and decided to stop there for a bite.
The name of the place was UFO PIZZERIA and they pizzas tasted like breakfast.

We played with the band Lavatch that we had played with once before. They did one hell of a show.
When we had played we just hanged around and played some cards and just chilled.
B, as in Berliner
The big B!!! The venue Lokal was great and a lot of people showed up.
There were 3 bands playing before us and "Call me Betty" was one of them.
I bought one of their t-shirts because it had a nice black-metal touch in the layout. SWEET!!!!
Georgios broke all his strings on both his guitars again and finished of the show with my Jazzmaster.
Rickard broke his drumchair during the show. Don't ask me how he did it.
Me and Rickard has started a little tradition lately. To have a little Whiskey after the show, relax and just talk. It is relly Sweet!!!
I would like to thank all the people who came yesterday to Lokal and payed the entrance fee. Without you we wouldn't be able to buy gas to go home:-)
As a surprise the Hadel and Chris from Bionic Ghost Kids, showed up! It was very nice to them, but sadly we couldn't party with them because we had to leave early next morning. We'll make it up to you next time!!
And we also meet Maik from Apocaplexy Records. He has released our 12" Sequence the Sequence". Really nice man. We played some SNES games at the sleeping place. I guess I sucked. :-)
Hope to see you on the next tour.

A big thanks to Tom who made all arrangements when Robert failed to do it.
So! back in the bus again. On our way to Copenhagen.
Today we have a mission! We are gonna find a new " I Love Köpenhamn" t-shirt for Lillis!!!
Over and out!!!
And stay Cool!
/David and the gang
Danmark är Gött!

Ok. Last show for this tour.
As you might have noticed I have been out of internet for some days now.
We played at Lades, Copenhagen yesterday.
It was really nice to play there, but it feelt as we were to tired to give all we got.
So next time Denmark, we will bring you 110% of raw TRAKTOR power. We owe you that much.
Thanks Andereas for everything, and a specially the great food at restaurant RizRaz.
Rickards brother Boo and his girlfriend Theresa showed up. They also broght a cool man named Andreas.
It was great to meet them again. I haven't meet them for like 6 months.

-Ja och Ankan kommer ner till Malmö och äter falafel snart.

We are really sad to announce that we didn't find a t-shirt for Lillis.
He is now really sad and cries like a baby. But I'm gonna give him some candy soon ,so don't worry people.

On Our way home right now!
The Tour has been great! It wouldn't have been that without all the great people we meet.
New friends and old.
See you next year I hope!
Stay cool /David, Georgios, Rickard and Fredrik(Lillis)

KÖLN jävlar

Traktor Destroys Georgios -08
We arrived like 3 hours late, to the venue. But it was ok............
We played with a local band called Megaira.
There were not that many people at the show but we still managed to make some fun of it.
Almost everybody had danced when we were finnished.
And the extra number for the night was Me(David) doing a drum solo.
And Chris from hotellounge showed up, and that was really nice.

We are at the hotell right now. Me and Lillis are sleeping in one room and the others in another.
The nightwathcher at the hotel made a misstake when we arrived and gave Georgios the key to an allready filled room. So when he opened the door there was a fat guy in his underwear goining apeshits:
- Scheisse!! was machen Sie in meine zimmer??
We laughed about it and got another room!
So now we are playing cards and drinking beer.
Tomorrow we go to Cologne.
Stay classy World!
We arrived like 3 hours late, to the venue. But it was ok............
We played with a local band called Megaira.
There were not that many people at the show but we still managed to make some fun of it.
Almost everybody had danced when we were finnished.
And the extra number for the night was Me(David) doing a drum solo.
And Chris from hotellounge showed up, and that was really nice.

We are at the hotell right now. Me and Lillis are sleeping in one room and the others in another.
The nightwathcher at the hotel made a misstake when we arrived and gave Georgios the key to an allready filled room. So when he opened the door there was a fat guy in his underwear goining apeshits:
- Scheisse!! was machen Sie in meine zimmer??
We laughed about it and got another room!
So now we are playing cards and drinking beer.
Tomorrow we go to Cologne.
Stay classy World!