the end

Since I havn't been able to use internet for the last 4 days, I haven't published any more blogs.
But I have still written everyday.
So here comes the last days of the tour.

Waking up in Luxembourg  at 9 o'clock this morning wasn't that nice.
I had prefered to sleep for a couple more hours. But we had to get up before breakfast-time at the hotel was over.
We started the drive to Cologne at 12 and took it really slow.
We had some radio documantaries we had to listen to.

When we arrived we drove past a pizzeria and decided to stop there for a bite.
 The name of the place was UFO PIZZERIA and they pizzas tasted like breakfast.

We played with the band Lavatch that we had played with once before. They did one hell of a show.
When we had played we just hanged around and played some cards and just chilled.

B, as in Berliner

The big B!!! The venue Lokal was great and a lot of people showed up.
There were 3 bands playing before us and "Call me Betty" was one of them.
I bought one of their t-shirts because it had a nice black-metal touch in the layout. SWEET!!!!
Georgios broke all his strings on both his guitars again and finished of the show with my Jazzmaster.
Rickard broke his drumchair during the show. Don't ask me how he did it.

Me and Rickard has started a little tradition lately. To have a little Whiskey after the show, relax and just talk. It is relly Sweet!!!

I would like to thank all the people who came yesterday to Lokal and payed the entrance fee. Without you we wouldn't be able to buy gas to go home:-)

As a surprise the Hadel and Chris from Bionic Ghost Kids, showed up! It was very nice to them, but sadly we couldn't party with them because we had to leave early next morning. We'll make it up to you next time!!

And we also meet Maik from Apocaplexy Records. He has released our 12" Sequence the Sequence". Really nice man. We played some SNES games at the sleeping place. I guess I sucked. :-)
Hope to see you on the next tour.

A big thanks to Tom who made all arrangements when Robert failed to do it.

So! back in the bus again. On our way to Copenhagen.
Today we have a mission! We are gonna find a new " I Love Köpenhamn" t-shirt for Lillis!!!

Over and out!!!
And stay Cool!
/David and the gang

Danmark är Gött!

Ok. Last show for this tour.
 As you might have noticed I have been out of internet for some days now.
We played at Lades, Copenhagen yesterday.
It was really nice to play there, but it feelt as we were to tired to give all we got.
So next time Denmark, we will bring you 110% of raw TRAKTOR power. We owe you that much.

Thanks Andereas for everything, and a specially the great food at restaurant RizRaz.
Rickards brother Boo and his girlfriend Theresa showed up. They also broght a cool man named Andreas.
It was great to meet them again. I haven't meet them for like 6 months.

 -Ja och Ankan kommer ner till Malmö och äter falafel snart.

We are really sad to announce that we didn't find a t-shirt for Lillis.
He is now really sad and cries like a baby. But I'm gonna give him some candy soon ,so don't worry people.

On Our way home right now!
The Tour has been great! It wouldn't have been that without all the great people we meet.
New friends and old.
See you next year I hope!

Stay cool /David, Georgios, Rickard and Fredrik(Lillis)


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