Takin' it back - english style.

Freddan, Siri and mighty Marcus in the Sauna studio.

”How to write a blog and generally suck while writing a blog”. Or just ”How to not write a blog”. The possible headlines for an essay or article on this subject are numerous. It was indeed my idea that each one of us should write in the blog while we where putting our efforts and musical skills into the new grandious punk-rock-post-hardcore-indie/gubb-rock-thing that eventually will become our new album. Last week it was time for me to put the drums on tape (actually computer) and while doing that keep you updated through this channel of information we call the Traktor blog. I had two things written in my calendar and I fatally failed at one of the two points. I did play the drums all week, I did not blog. 50% success. 50 % failure. So, what did he actually do last week? You might wonder. The answer is that I played the drums. Sometimes with great result and sometimes it didn´t go my way at all. We also drank loads of cans of the Red bull replica Red bat, ate some really good food, had a couple of ice-creams and a great bunch of laughs. After a great deal of sweating and cursing we got the drums down and now it´s time for the rest of the guys to put their magic on tape (once again: computer). Next up is Mr David Deravian.

So, what will the new Traktor plastic/download sound like?
That´s a good question. Once upon a time our label mates Soviac described an upcoming release with the words ”Mature songs” and i guess those words would fit our new record too. Most of the songs are a bit slower and longer and with more guitar harmonies in all directions. In the end I think it will sound very Traktor, don´t worry.

Right now I´m relaxing in my grandfathers summer house and have to go to the nearest town to get get an internet connection. Otherwise I could have been jabbering with you much more.

I wrote this in english to make it up to you non-swedes that might  have slipped in here.


aldrig fucka upp....

Hade skrivit massa men såg inte att david hade skrivit i princip samma sak, så jag tog bort och gjorde om.
Precis som david känner jag att jag måste repa hemma som fan, har redan börjat. När andra har pocketpods kör jag i garageband (sjukt dåliga gitarrljud faktiskt). Funderar på att köpa en lite stärkare jag kan ha hemma.
Alternativet skulle ju vara o dra hem 4x12:an. NÄ. jag tror jag nöjer mig med garagebands
skitdåliga gitarrljud.

Har lagt upp ett klipp från sista repet. Som ni förstår när ni sett detta kan vad som helst hända.

Kolla in det här

Nu ska jag kolla på the wrestler! God natt.



Då var sista repet innan inspelningen börjar avklarat.
Känns väl helt ok, förutom att jag anser att jag själv måste repa som fan innan det blir min tur:-).
Rickard börjar ställa trumljud, och ev. spela in lite, på söndag och sen kommer hela nästa vecka
ägnas åt trummorna.

Det kommer bli fin skit dethär!
Längtar tills ni får höra!
Ses snart/David


Slaskbas på plats!
Då är det bara för Draken att komma igång med repandet nu då!

Litet klipp från studion:

3/4 av oss var och tittade på Neurosis igår.
Det var "sådär" tycker jag. Va bättre sist de va här.
See ya/David

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