the end
Since I havn't been able to use internet for the last 4 days, I haven't published any more blogs.
But I have still written everyday.
So here comes the last days of the tour.
Waking up in Luxembourg at 9 o'clock this morning wasn't that nice.
I had prefered to sleep for a couple more hours. But we had to get up before breakfast-time at the hotel was over.
We started the drive to Cologne at 12 and took it really slow.
We had some radio documantaries we had to listen to.
When we arrived we drove past a pizzeria and decided to stop there for a bite.
The name of the place was UFO PIZZERIA and they pizzas tasted like breakfast.
We played with the band Lavatch that we had played with once before. They did one hell of a show.
When we had played we just hanged around and played some cards and just chilled.
B, as in Berliner
The big B!!! The venue Lokal was great and a lot of people showed up.
There were 3 bands playing before us and "Call me Betty" was one of them.
I bought one of their t-shirts because it had a nice black-metal touch in the layout. SWEET!!!!
Georgios broke all his strings on both his guitars again and finished of the show with my Jazzmaster.
Rickard broke his drumchair during the show. Don't ask me how he did it.
Me and Rickard has started a little tradition lately. To have a little Whiskey after the show, relax and just talk. It is relly Sweet!!!
I would like to thank all the people who came yesterday to Lokal and payed the entrance fee. Without you we wouldn't be able to buy gas to go home:-)
As a surprise the Hadel and Chris from Bionic Ghost Kids, showed up! It was very nice to them, but sadly we couldn't party with them because we had to leave early next morning. We'll make it up to you next time!!
And we also meet Maik from Apocaplexy Records. He has released our 12" Sequence the Sequence". Really nice man. We played some SNES games at the sleeping place. I guess I sucked. :-)
Hope to see you on the next tour.
A big thanks to Tom who made all arrangements when Robert failed to do it.
So! back in the bus again. On our way to Copenhagen.
Today we have a mission! We are gonna find a new " I Love Köpenhamn" t-shirt for Lillis!!!
Over and out!!!
And stay Cool!
/David and the gang
Danmark är Gött!
Ok. Last show for this tour.
As you might have noticed I have been out of internet for some days now.
We played at Lades, Copenhagen yesterday.
It was really nice to play there, but it feelt as we were to tired to give all we got.
So next time Denmark, we will bring you 110% of raw TRAKTOR power. We owe you that much.
Thanks Andereas for everything, and a specially the great food at restaurant RizRaz.
Rickards brother Boo and his girlfriend Theresa showed up. They also broght a cool man named Andreas.
It was great to meet them again. I haven't meet them for like 6 months.
-Ja och Ankan kommer ner till Malmö och äter falafel snart.
We are really sad to announce that we didn't find a t-shirt for Lillis.
He is now really sad and cries like a baby. But I'm gonna give him some candy soon ,so don't worry people.
On Our way home right now!
The Tour has been great! It wouldn't have been that without all the great people we meet.
New friends and old.
See you next year I hope!
Stay cool /David, Georgios, Rickard and Fredrik(Lillis)
KÖLN jävlar
Traktor Destroys Georgios -08
We arrived like 3 hours late, to the venue. But it was ok............
We played with a local band called Megaira.
There were not that many people at the show but we still managed to make some fun of it.
Almost everybody had danced when we were finnished.
And the extra number for the night was Me(David) doing a drum solo.
And Chris from hotellounge showed up, and that was really nice.
We are at the hotell right now. Me and Lillis are sleeping in one room and the others in another.
The nightwathcher at the hotel made a misstake when we arrived and gave Georgios the key to an allready filled room. So when he opened the door there was a fat guy in his underwear goining apeshits:
- Scheisse!! was machen Sie in meine zimmer??
We laughed about it and got another room!
So now we are playing cards and drinking beer.
Tomorrow we go to Cologne.
Stay classy World!
We got pulled over by the police on the autobahn.
This happends on every tour so we were not surprised, that it happened now.
What came as a surprise was that the bus was tested positive for drugs. hahahahahhah
They had these "CSI-sticks" they pulled out and checked on all the carparts(dashboard, steering wheel and so on). However we were let go with a smile on both our lips and the cops's.
They were quite funny actually.
Yesterday we played in Vienna(Wien).
When we came to the venue we were all excited about playing.
The room we first tought we were gonna play in looked great.
But then the promotor(Flö) showed up and told us that we were gonna play in the basement.
When we saw the room we couldn't belive our eyes.
It's looked more like an old stable for horses than a room for live music.
But we were wrong. We keep hyping it for some hours and after the first band, SLON had played everybody was in a good mood.
SLON were really great and the people loved them.
We also made one hell of a show, I think.
People went crazy, and crowedsurfed like never before. It was great fun.
Even Sabina crowedsurfed.
A big "THANK YOU" goes out to Flö.
Yesterday was also our last day with Sabina.
Even though she was only with us a short time ,the bus feels a little empty now.
Take care Sabina, and we hope to see you next time!
This morning we had to wake up really early, because today we are driving from Vienna to Luxemburg.
The estimated drivetime is something like 10 hours.
After a delicious breakfast made by Flö, we started driving.
But I think our GPS-navigator(Annika) was set to "sightseeing"-mode because it took us about 30 minutes, just to get on track out of the town.
Ohh I almost forgot.
Georgios got a microphone in his face yesterday during a crowdsurf and while he slept his leg got one hell of a strain. Now he has hurt himself so much that we are from this point calling the tour:
"Traktor Destroys Georgios-Tour 2008"
It actually started back in Sweden in our rehersalroom.
On the last rehersal before we left, I hit his elbow with my guitar really hard.
And that's were it all started.
Only 2 hours and 31 minutes left
Much LOVE/David
Utkast: Hell Yeah!!! ...
Now we are in Graz. We came here yesterday.
We played at a small venue called SUB with our friends from LAT, that we played with in Linz.
and since Yesterday we have a new member of our crew, Sabina.
She is the one who booked us in Austria and is now helping us with everything.
Before the show in Linz Georgios succeded in falling off the stage, hurting his stomach and legg.
This is what it looks like today:
Today we are going to play in Vienna(Wien för svenskarna).
I'm really tired today because i slept beside the designated bed between the wall and the bed. was fucked up.
Sooooo comes the new clip that we have tried to post for some days now.:
see us in Vienna
/TRK+lillis(aka Osten)
I'm sorry to say that we havent been able to put up "traktor tour videoblog part 2" yet.
I think it's because of the slow internet cables.
The show yesterday, Stadtwerkstadt (Linz) went really good.
We have played there once before, on our first tour and it still is GREEAAT!!
Graz today, Wien tomorrow
Hell yeah!!!!!
Linz,Linz Lins Linns linn linne inne finne pinne minne- DATOR
At the moment we are sitting in a office in the semi-capital of Austria, Linz.
Yersterday was great, with great bands, people and muzzak!
Sorry to say, I really feelt like shit after we had played.
So I went straight to bed and missed the party.
But hopefully the other guys had a blast!
I have to take back some of the stuff I wrote earlier, about metalcore.
I don't hate it. Hate is such a strong word.
You can say that it just ain't my cup of tea.
We have a Part two of our tour fotage here:
Simpsons in germay is wierd..........strange
Och ni som undrar sa kommer "ju" alltid före " desto".
Ju mindre ost, desto mer luft.
tack för ost!!
/david & osten
Live in Leipzig
this one is for Alex and Thomas!
sooo....we are in Weiden and have played a great show!!
One of the bands that played before us was "Anything but yours"
and they were GREAT!!!
after the show we were really tired and really felt like sleeping.
But after 2 minutes of convincing from Alex we ended up at
a Kultur pub that was great.
We had like 1000 beers and the owner gave us a couple of rounds of beers
and some shots of some strange liqour .
right now we are at Alex and his girlfriend wiebke's place. He made us pizza
and now Lillis is sleeping.
I just have to add that I hate MetalCore bands.
Nothing personal....I like metal. Even black/death/power metal.
But Metalcore.....that´s were I draw the line.
See you tomorrow, Lepzig!!
Kalas i Ansbach
Spelning 2 avklarad!
Det gick skitbra igår. Så det var synd att det inte var så mycket folk där:(
Bandet innan oss var från Portugal och var faktiskt ganska bra.
Lite exprimentell/cirkusnoice.
När vi först kom till 13Eins så var det jätte kallt och vi var sjukt hungriga.
Och det skulle visa sig dröja en stund innan vi fick äta.
Men när det väl var dax....JÄVLAR!!!!
Det var så sjukt gott. Det var inget speciellt med maten egentligen men
det var bara en riktig fullträff!! Ris, böngryta, parmesan och en sjukt härlig sallad.
Efter spelningen så hängde vi kvar ett tag och förfriskade oss, innan vi gick
tillbaks till våningen och fortsatte kalaset.
En bra kväll helt enkelt.
Vi avslutade den med att kolla på "Apor talar om ekonomi" på Youtube.
Just nu är klockan 12.53 och Lillis har inte sagt "Fan!" en enda gång!
Hans kommentar till det hela:
- Ja, det har gått bra.
The recording god forgot/Skärdan
Soo now its done. We went up at nine and had some sweet breakfast, that Isa had prepared.
Later we went to her University and meet her class and her Professor Cornelius.
They are learnig about studiorecording and we helped them record a song.
The song we choose was Dentist Motherfucker and we killed it.
Since Fredrik H J is not with us on tour I(David) had to do all the vocals, and it didn´t
go so well:(
But was for the purpose of learnig.
We had lunch at the university and it fellt great to have "real" food again.
There has been alot of fastfood the last couple of days.
Right now we are back at the flat and just relaxing.
Later we will play at 13 eins. So come and join us!!
"Stay delicious mighty Kings and Queens and Prinses and Prinssesses"
See you soon!
Jaaaaaa. Då var det gjort!!!
Vi steg upp vid nio och åt frukost som Isa fixat åt oss.
När det var färdig ätet så åkte vi till Universitetet och träffade Isas klass
och hennes lärare Cornelius.
Dom ska lära sig om studioinspelning så vi passade på att hjälpa dem.
Vi spelade in en låt med deras hjälp. Vi hade valt Dentist Motherfucker som vi slaktade totalt.
Ijumed att Stor-Freddan inte är med oss fick jag(David) ta all sång och det gick väl sådär
får jag väl säga.
Men vafan.....det var ju lärande syfte.
Vi åt riktigt god mat på universitetet och sen drog vi tillbaks till Tysklands största våning.
På vägen hit så slänger Rickard ur sig att han är den enda "Skärdan" i bandet.
Så nu vet ni det också!
Kl. 6 ska vi till spelstället å soundchecka!!!
Det ska bli svinkul!!!
Tänkte bara läga till att bandet Tomte(Tysklands Kent) suger verkligen balle!
Hej sålänge
Ansbach, we say Hello!!!
We spent the night in Göttingen at hotel Schweitzer Hof .
We watched some south park, listened to some music and sleept
like we´ve never sleept before.
Tomorrow we are gonna play some sweet music again.
It will be the seconed time this tour.
Today we got stuck in a snowstorm on the way to Ansbach, so the estimated 3 hour drive took about 4,5 hours.
But after some serious off-road driving we got here!!
We had some time to explore the the city before we had to meet up with the girl Isa, that showed us the sleeping place.
Right now we are enjoying some local beer and just relaxing with smokes and dopes.
Tomorrow we are gonna join Isa to her school to record a TRK-song.
Just for the education-purpose.
It´s gonna be fun and a bit nervous.
There is gonna be 20-25 students watching us do our stuff.
sooooo see us tomorrow!!!
don´t forget to watch the pre-tourmovie!!!!
Hallå alla goa människor i sweden!!!
ja saknar redan vår träning. Jag bar en back öl själv 5 meter (ok vi var två som bar) och vart sjukt trött. Så när ja kommer hem.....DÅ JÄVLAR SKA DET TRÄNAS!!!
Igår åkte vi jätte långt men kom ändå inte fram till målet, som var Ansbach.
Tur som det var så var det en ledig dag så vi stannade i Göttingen och tog in på hotell.
Idag är också en ledig dag så vi tog det väldigt lugnt påvägen hit.
Vi hamnade ju också, som tur var, bakom en plogbil så det tog säkert 1,5 timme extra.
Vi kom till Ansbach rätt tidigt så vi han gå runt lite i stan och äta lite döner och kolla in julmarknaden.
Hann även kolla in stadens H&M. Var inte riktigt så frächt som mitt H&M i E-tuna är.
Vi träffade Isa, som visade oss sovstället.
Och nu sitter vi och dricker inhemsk öl och bara tar det lugnt.
Imorgon kl. 10 ska vi mötas upp på Isas skola och spela in en av våra låtar åt dem.
Enbart i suderandesyfte. Det ska bli intressant eftersom det är 20-25 personer i klassen som ska stå och titta på
hela spektaklet.
Men det är en historia som vi kommer kunna se här snart!!!
glöm inte kolla in vår Pre-turnefilm här:
Puss och kram
David och co
Tjena Sverige!!!
Fucked up va fantastiskt bra i söndags. Samma sak gäller Dörrterror och FyFan.
Det var längesen jag var på en riktig punkspelning så det kändes finfint
att spendera söndagskvällen på Kulturhuset Underjorden, Göteborg Sweden.
Efter att vi delat upp oss i våra sov-lag(Georgios och Rickard sov hos Viktor och jag och Fredrik hos Ankan)
så spenderade jag, lillis och ankan kvällen med glögg, musik och Hot shots 2.
En peppad söndag helt enkelt.
Måndagen spenderades i Viken och traditionsenligt åt vi på MAX.
Sen var det snacks pepp innan vi skulle kolla på film!
Medans de andra köpte chips och öl så gick ja själv på en STOR burk med saltgurka!!!!
Första december firades med att Greken fick öppna första luckan på den nyinköpta adventskalendern.
Det var en riktigt sunkig chokladkalender ifrån Ö&B.
Andra luckan gick till Freddan som fick även han en smarrig chokladbit!
Hela idag har vi åkt buss ner mot Ansbach.
vi kom så långt som till Göttingen, där vi just nu sitter på ett dyrt hotell.
Har lyssnat igenom hela Chineese Democracy med G´n R. Den va ju inte så bra.....alls.
Nu peppar vi för en ny film.
Kanske blir Commando med Arnold....vem vet?????
Ses imorrn i Ansbach, om ni är där!!
//TRK//////David + the boys
And for you english reading people.......enjoy life and I´ll write you later